Green Energy that benefits the community
Reading Hydro CBS asked us to create a series of promotional videos in support of their share offer
I’ve lived in Reading for most of my life, and one of the sights that has remained pretty much unchanged during that time has been the weir in Caversham
To one side is the lock which enables boat navigation, but the main bulk of the water goes over the weir, and it seems to be a very consistent flow of water – even in drought conditions the water continues to tumble noisily over it
The drop from one side of the weir to the other is around 1 meter, so there is a lot of potential energy, that can be converted to kinetic energy, that can be usefully used
And that is the vision of Reading Hydro CBS
I hadn’t come across a “CBS” before – it stands for “Community Benefit Society”, which is the name for a “Not for Profit” scheme that benefits the community
So, the plan is to install 2 Archimedes screw turbines to convert that kinetic energy into electricity-and the projections are that the two screws would generate enough energy for around 80 houses – all with a zero carbon footprint
My involvement is to produce a video which will be used as a fundraiser, and as a teaser, I produced a 10 second video of some of the drone footage that will be part of it. The full video will take another week to shoot and edit
Other "Green" promotional activities that we have been involved in are here and here